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Learn The Law.....from a dumb gym owner!

Updated: Sep 30

ZOOM Meeting Monday's 7pm EST

coachjoedtraining@gmail for info and a Zoom meeting link for attendance!

Once upon a time in a beautiful country called the United States of America there were thriving men and women who had families which handled their own law affairs and controversies without a BAR attorney. Now you may ask...."you mean this country was founded and established using the law and never even 1 (one) BAR attorney was involved?" That is correct! The American common law. A law both common to you and common to me. I don't believe the BAR was around here in 1776, but what do I know? I am just a dumb gym owner who since 2020 cheats on his wife, sleeps around, consumes himself with a drug that I just can't get enough of! It's call "the law!"

We need to realize this thing called "the law" controls every aspect of our lives. Every contract, traffic fine, insurance claim, will, trust, estate and just about every breath we take is somehow connected to the BAR. A law, or quasi-law hidden from us for many decades has come from the dark to the light. More and more dummies like me that don't practice law, don't aspire to practice law and never give law advice, now have the ability to show people how to stand on their God given rights via a document that many think died decades ago. Guess the document?!

March of 2020 was impactful in many ways. Why and how were we not able to earn a living to support our families? No attorney's were around to save us, but many of those lawyers were able to keep their businesses flourishing because they were essential? But a health and fitness facility was not? Nothing made sense at the time, so I began reading and studying and the deeper I would dig, the more treasure I discovered. I would wake up in the middle of the night (still do) hearing the words "status, standing and jurisdiction!" Sometimes I would freak myself out in disbelief from the things I was reading. All the while I was uncovering the key to freedom! The key of knowledge that was hidden from me (Luke 11:52 KJV) for 50 years of my life! I have relatives that have law firms, and nobody taught me nothing like I was learning! I bought law book, after law book. Started reading the Constitution(s)(plural), Maxims of Law, historical usages and customs of law. The world hasn't been the same since! It's a beautiful thing!

You see, I have a motivational drive as big as Texas and we (wife Jane) and I needed to get our gym secured so that bad government actors could never impede on our property again. Only by the grace of God were we lucky enough to open our doors once again! Through my continued law research and due diligence, I was led to Dave Jose (not a lawyer), my soon to be Brother in Christ from Arizona who happened to be a lover of the law himself. In 2020 Dave helped over 150 businesses keep their doors opened during the flu season! Specifically, and what captured me, was the fact that he kept gyms opened like the ones highly publicized in New Jersey (Atilis Gym) which were aggressively pursued by overreaching government. Dave has taught me more life skills in 2 years than I learned in 16 years of public education! I continue to take every webinar he provides, read every book he recommends and I study them times100! I highly recommend him to anyone looking for law knowledge! (@DaveCaresForYou on Telegram, Davecaresforyou on Rumble)

The law is simple people! There is a profession out there that makes you believe it's complicated! It's a tactic used to make you rely on a specific system! Dumb gym owner can show you how to be smarter than attorney instantly! (caveman speak emphasized!) All you need is a little motivation and a bit of time sacrifice and a priority shift. People get more upset if the Steeler's lose than they do watching their Country erode. It's a sad case!

I will show you that you have never been in a real court. Neverrr! Things have been taken from you unlawfully for years. I will show you the documents. Things that are written! Things you can see with your own eyeballs. It's called "truth!" Changing your Nation has NOTHING to do with electing a President! That's all "smoke & mirrors! It starts in your community by directing your "public servants" lawfully and peaceably. Let's make them return the stuff they stole(cars, houses, grandmas, dogs etc.) in a lawful and peaceful manner. Learn how to direct the court without an attorney!

I am inviting Everyone! Especially those that have suffered and lost businesses during 2020 to join in a remedy to make things right once again! Don't think that what has happened to you can just be swept under the rug and never remedied. Rights secured never expire! What is your status in the law? Come find out! Those left behind will be those, well.....left behind!

The law is very precise. Words win. No wiggle room! Come learn and love the law. We can clean up this beautiful republic one township, borough, county at a time! "The People have the power. They are the sovereigns!" (United States Supreme Court - Neil Gorsuch)(Get the book "Over Ruled" by Justice Gorsuch! The Nation has flipped!) We were meant for such a time as this!

See you at our Monday Zoom meetings!

Yours in health and God Bless!

One of the People! Joe Divosevic

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